Cycling is continuing to grow in popularity, and there comes a time when you realise what you have is either not up to what you want it to do, or for kids, it’s too small.
Right now you are faced with two stark choices. Shop around online for something new – stock levels across the market are low, prices are going up due to shipping costs rising and supply chain delays and price rises, deals are few and far between, and a delay or wait is commonplace.
Or you look at the second-hand choices, it’s certainly buoyant and a seller’s market, many used bikes going for close to or even more than RRP, and many buyers all after the same thing.
Recently we assisted in this exact situation. A child had outgrown his 24″ hybrid. He needed a new mountain bike for fit, and to make off-road riding more enjoyable. Keeping to a sensible budget of £800, and an XS or S adult frame with 27.5 inch wheels – the search began. The new hardtail bikes in this price range were limited by stock across most main manufacturers or compromises in components. They all came with bottom of the range forks which in many cases defeated the whole object of having suspension in the first place!
Searching for the same bikes second hand revealed high prices for used bikes, often 75%+ of RRP for a used bike that would likely need servicing and some parts too.
The solution was actually to find a local bike with the right frame, right wheels and right components – ignoring the condition. For £175 the rolling chassis and parts was a start point for a £140 Gold Service. Taking the bike back to the bare frame for inspection and cleaning, deep cleaning all the components, replacing the bottom bracket, the chain and all the cables. Bleeding the front brake, cleaning the callipers and pads, striping and regreasing the bearings in the headset and hubs. Trueing the wheels. The bottom end Suntour forks were sent to be recycled! Purchase of some new £380 Rock Shox Judy Gold forks, adding 20mm travel, losing 1kg of weight, with tunable air spring and bar mounted lockout.
A total spend of £780 – and the end result was a bike better performing and better equipped than a new model for the same cost!
For help in similar projects, you can rely on Revolution Cycle Sport. Servicing of bikes, Bronze, Silver or Gold as required – or just specific tasks as required. Friendly advice and sourcing of quality components from a professional cycle workshop, based in Billingshurst, RH14.
Get in contact to start your next project! New Builds, PDI of a mail-order bike, custom builds, upgrades and repairs.