Welcome to Summer! At Revolution Cycle Sport we hope you have managed to drag your bike out of storage, inflate the tyres and hit the roads.
As is usual, the workshop gets busy as the weather improves and the days get longer. Racing cyclists, recreational and leisure cyclists, and fair weather commuters all want their bikes up and running – and running well.
To avoid delays consider booking in advance of problems. Often a good service and clean-up can alleviate the minor issues and prolong component life. Dirty chains and gunked up drivetrains just accelerate wear, worse – they affect performance. Sluggish shifts, loud brakes, rubs and creaks.
Book services online at a time to suit you – don’t leave it too late. If you do need parts, and they are not readily available, you either face a delay or increased cost sourcing them from overseas.
We have also partnered up with The Bicycle Exchange in Ashington, assisting with their service needs to bring bikes back up to a sellable standard. If you want to sell a second-hand bike without hassle then contact them. They also sell used bikes offering some reassurance over an eBay special!
For anything else please get in contact. Cycle repairs, cycle service, puncture repair, bike gear and brake adjustment, wheel builds and wheel repair, custom builds, retro bike rebuilds and so much more.
Stay safe, stay alert, and enjoy the roads and trails!
For those on Strava join the club below…